# ♥2428

by - Februar 08, 2022

  # ♥2428

Hair: NEW MINA - Nona - Naturals @ UBER
Ponytail hairstyle with optional bangs and wisps!
It has an accompanying Colorpicker to fine tune the colors to your liking.
There are 3 sizes included in the pack; Lelutka, Genus and Catwa, but they will match lots of other heads.
Sunglasses: NEW EQUAL - Josiah Sunglasses @ The Mens Dept
➝ It is unrigged, may require adjusting to fit your head.
➝ Comes with interactive HUD to change the colour of sunglasses, lens and metals (20 colours, 8 lenses & 6 metals).
➝ Add-on HUD available to purchase for designs for the sunglasses (10 special designs, 6 lenses & 6 metals).
Outfit: NEW Miu - Coraline outfit FATPACK @ COLLABOR88
Legacy - LPerky - LPerkyPetite - Lara - LaraPetite - Ebody - Kupra

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