# ♥1485

by - Februar 04, 2020

# ♥1485

Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Summer Hairplay - Sundowner - B+W

Shirt: NEW *COCO*_ShirtWithCorsetBelt @ FaMESHed
*COCO* Shirt with Corset Belt
Please use the Breast Shape "Perky" of the Belleza mesh body.
Not available to wear the shirt and the corset belt, separately.


Pants: NEW *COCO*_FlaredPants @ FaMESHed
 Please wear the High feet of your mesh bodies.
 Works with Maitreya / Slink Physique Original / Hourglass / Belleza Isis / Freya / Legacy

Poses: NEW  Le Poppycock *Bright Ideas* Prelude @ The Liaison Collaborative

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