# ♥2134
# ♥2134
Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.0
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3
Happy aniversary Tres Chic! To
celebrate, we set the price of this new skin 50% OFF! Ara is made for
Lelutka EvoX mesh heads and it is available in 10 different shades, we
added 2 new darker tones. Each pack includes 5 face skin tones
(includying ears and neck blender) and also a browless version for each
of the tones.
Bodyskin: amara beauty - Ivy beige - & L'Etre - Neck fade [Tone 04] [Lelutka HD]
♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
Featuring 10 Metals (2 zones), 10 Leathers (3 zones), 10 Skulls & 10 Skull Stars.
Materials enabled.
OpenCollar 8.x scripted.
Legacy - Legacy Perky - Legacy Perky Petite - Lara - Lara Petite
Fatpack : 12 laces, 12 belt, 12 buckles, 12 bras - mix and match
Single pack: 1 lace, 1 belt, 1 buckle, 12 bras
Leather pants in 36 colors for Lara / Legacy / Alice / Hourglass / Freya