# ♥2655
# ♥2655
[Start 10 th Oct]
✔ Fitted for: Legacy Natural + Perky / Maitreya Natural + Petite / eBody Reborn
- Corset, blouse, tie, panties and metals are HUD driven.
- Ties are different in all the packs, blouses too
- Panties can be turned on/off.
Specifically fitted to be worn with Artemis Leggings!
Available in:
- Latex Mini Packs: 6 plain colours.
- Latex Fatpack: 36 plain Colours.
- Leather Fatpack: 10 nappa leather colours.
- Fabric Mini Packs: 7 colours.
- Fabric FatPacks: 14 colours.
➤ Includes blouse, tie, corset & panties.
➤ Only panties can be turned on/off.
➤ Corset and blouse can't be worn alone.
➤ Materials enabled in Latex and Leather parts.